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1 December 2004 The Biologists' Forum: Southwestern College honors founding of Beta Beta Beta with commemorative rock
Patrick Ross
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Southwestern College was one of the founding chapters of Beta Beta Beta in 1925 and was awarded the Outstanding Chapter designation in 2002. The campus, home of the Moundbuilders, is filled with boulders and rocks that have been carved and inscribed to honor the achievements of the school and its students. This is the text of a speech delivered by Dr. Patrick Ross, chapter advisor for Southwestern's Delta chapter, at the unveiling of the Beta Beta Beta rock on May of 2004.

Patrick Ross "The Biologists' Forum: Southwestern College honors founding of Beta Beta Beta with commemorative rock," BIOS 75(4), 155-157, (1 December 2004).<0155:SCHFOB>2.0.CO;2
Published: 1 December 2004
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